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Cadastral Maps – The Gesher Galicia Map Room

Brzozów 1851 cadastral map
An excerpt from the 1851 cadastral map of Brzozów in western Galicia. At the top of the page, an excerpt from the 1854 cadastral map of Żółkiew (Zhovkva) in eastern Galicia.
This section of the Gesher Galicia Map Room lists and links to more than 150 historical cadastral maps of Galician cities, towns, and villages, each created from precise and detailed land surveys conducted by officials of the Habsburg Monarchy from the 1820s until Galicia's incorporation into the Second Polish Republic at the end of World War I. Every settlement in Galicia was mapped at least once as part of an astonishing effort to document the entire landscape of the Austrian Empire; not all Galician cadastral maps have survived the World Wars and other government and boundary changes, but many hundreds of original maps (and thousands of map sheets) are still available for study and appreciation.

Cadastral maps record building and land parcel boundaries at high scale for tax purposes, and correspond to contemporary ownership registers which relate the parcel numbers to named owners and their residences, providing a key to identifying where individuals lived in the mapped settlement as well as some clues to their wealth and their businesses. The same registers and parcel numbering also highlight properties owned by local civil and religious communities, including town halls, houses of worship, hospitals, and cemeteries. Symbols and colors shown on the maps (and defined in historical map legends) represent many characteristics and purposes of buildings and land areas, giving valuable information about life in the settlements at the time of the surveys.

In the sections below, cadastral maps assembled by Gesher Galicia are searchable two ways: geographically (via an interactive Google Map) and alphabetically by town name (in the Habsburg-era Polish spelling). For more information about the remarkable engineering and cartographic achievement of the cadastral maps of historical Galicia, about Gesher Galicia's project to assemble and present these maps in a browsable online format, and about how to interpret and use these maps for family history and other research, see the References section in the Map Room.

A Map of Cadastral Maps in the Gesher Galicia Collection

The yellow area in the interactive map below represents the historical boundaries of the Kingdom of Galicia; you can pan and zoom the map to examine how Galicia once spanned modern southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. Within that area are pins which link to all of the maps currently available in the Gesher Galicia Map Room. Click on a pin and you will see the map title (place name and year of the map), the GPS coordinates of the town center, the type of map, and a hyperlink to the historical map itself. Map types are denoted by color: blue (preliminary field sketches), green (intermediate indication sketches), red (final-stage cadastral maps), and unnumbered (black). For more information about the types of cadastral maps, see the References section in the Map Room.

Alphabetical List of Galician Cadastral Maps in the Map Room

Every cadastral map currently in the Gesher Galicia collection is listed below, alphabetically by the historical Polish name of the place and the year the map was produced by the original surveyors, cartographers, and printers. You can click on the thumbnail map image or on the map title to open each map in a new tab or window.

Beneath each map title is a series of icons which represents visible features of the map, including completeness, the type of map (preliminary field sketch, intermediate indication sketch, or final-stage cadastral map), and the presence of redline revisions, a market square, a Jewish synagogue and/or cemetery, a Christian church and/or cemetery, and a castle or manor house. The full series of feature icons is shown below; hover over or tap the icons to see an explanation of each one:

This map is complete (all original sheets are shown).
This map is incomplete (one or more original sheets are missing).
This map is a composite of separate map records from different years and/or sources.
This map is a black and white photocopy of the original record.
This is a final-state cadastral map showing building and land parcel numbers.
This is a preliminary field sketch showing house numbers.
This is an indication sketch showing both house numbers and building parcel numbers.
This is an unnumbered map showing building and land parcel outlines only.
This map includes revisions to building and land parcels in red.
This settlement has one or more structured market squares.
This map shows one or more marked synagogues or other Jewish community buildings.
This map shows one or more churches, monasteries, or other Christian community buildings.
This map shows one or more Jewish cemeteries.
This map shows one or more Christian cemeteries.
This map shows a castle or manor building and grounds.
This map was created for a special purpose.

The same hover or tap action works as well within the map list below. For information about the typical and unusual features of cadastral maps, see the References page in the Map Room.

Andrychów 1845/1882

Andrychów 1845/1882

Baligród 1852

Baligród 1852

Baranów 1850

Baranów 1850

Bełz 1854/1878/1890

Bełz 1854/1878/1890

Białoboki 1852

Białoboki 1852

Biecz 1850

Biecz 1850

Bircza 1852

Bircza 1852

Bircza Stara 1852

Bircza Stara 1852

Bobowa 1847

Bobowa 1847

Bochnia 1847

Bochnia 1847

Bohorodczany 1878

Bohorodczany 1878

Bolechów 1878

Bolechów 1878

Bolechów 1878 [w/Center]

Bolechów 1878 [w/Center]

Bołszowce 1846

Bołszowce 1846

Borki Małe 1860

Borki Małe 1860

Borodczyce 1846

Borodczyce 1846

Borysław undated

Borysław undated

Brody 1844

Brody 1844

Brzesko 1847

Brzesko 1847

Brzeżany 1846

Brzeżany 1846

Brzostek 1850

Brzostek 1850

Brzozów 1851

Brzozów 1851

Bukaczowce 1848

Bukaczowce 1848

Bukaczowce 1853

Bukaczowce 1853

Chodakówka 1849

Chodakówka 1849

Chodorów 1846

Chodorów 1846

Chyrów 1853

Chyrów 1853

Czortków 1859

Czortków 1859

Czortowiec 1825

Czortowiec 1825

Dębica 1849

Dębica 1849

Dębica 1852

Dębica 1852

Delatyn 1847

Delatyn 1847

Dobromil 1852

Dobromil 1852

Dora 1847

Dora 1847

Drohobycz 1853

Drohobycz 1853

Dynów 1852

Dynów 1852

Gać 1852

Gać 1852

Głogów 1849

Głogów 1849

Gorlice 1850

Gorlice 1850

Gródek 1879

Gródek 1879

Grybów 1846

Grybów 1846

Grzymałów 1828

Grzymałów 1828

Grzymałów 1861

Grzymałów 1861

Grzymałów 1861 [Rev.]

Grzymałów 1861 [Rev.]

Grzymałów 1875

Grzymałów 1875

Grzymałów Market 1875

Grzymałów Market 1875

Grzymałów ca. 1900

Grzymałów ca. 1900

Hlibów 1860

Hlibów 1860

Huczko I. Theil 1852

Huczko I. Theil 1852

Huczko II. Theil 1852

Huczko II. Theil 1852

Husiatyn 1862

Husiatyn 1862

Jagielnica 1861

Jagielnica 1861

Janów 1828

Janów 1828

Janów 1861

Janów 1861

Jarosław ca. 1852

Jarosław ca. 1852

Jaryczów Nowy 1850

Jaryczów Nowy 1850

Jaryczów Nowy 1917 [Damage]

Jaryczów Nowy 1917 [Damage]

Jaryczów Nowy 1917 [Names]

Jaryczów Nowy 1917 [Names]

Jasło 1851

Jasło 1851

Jaworów 1849

Jaworów 1849

Jodłowa 1850

Jodłowa 1850

Kałusz undated

Kałusz undated

Kańczuga 1849

Kańczuga 1849

Knihynicze 1876

Knihynicze 1876

Kolbuszowa 1850

Kolbuszowa 1850

Kołomyja 1859

Kołomyja 1859

Komarno 1853

Komarno 1853

Kopyczyńce 1828

Kopyczyńce 1828

Kopyczyńce ca. 1859

Kopyczyńce ca. 1859

Korolówka Center-South 1826

Korolówka Center-South 1826

Korolówka Market 1826

Korolówka Market 1826

Kozowa 1846

Kozowa 1846

Kozowa after 1850

Kozowa after 1850

Kraków 1856

Kraków 1856

Krakowiec 1849

Krakowiec 1849

Krosienko ca. 1850

Krosienko ca. 1850

Krosienko 1894

Krosienko 1894

Krosno 1851

Krosno 1851

Krynica 1846

Krynica 1846

Krzeczowice 1849

Krzeczowice 1849

Kujdańce 1829

Kujdańce 1829

Kulików 1854

Kulików 1854

Łabowa 1846

Łabowa 1846

Lachowce 1848

Lachowce 1848

Łańcut 1849

Łańcut 1849

Lemberg (Lwów) 1853

Lemberg (Lwów) 1853

Leżajsk 1853

Leżajsk 1853

Łopuszka Mała 1851

Łopuszka Mała 1851

Lubaczów 1854

Lubaczów 1854

Magierów 1854

Magierów 1854

Medyka 1852

Medyka 1852

Mielec 1850/1887

Mielec 1850/1887

Mikołajów 1888

Mikołajów 1888

Mikulińce 1861

Mikulińce 1861

Monasterzyska 1847

Monasterzyska 1847

Mościska 1852

Mościska 1852

Muszyna 1846

Muszyna 1846

Nadwórna 1847

Nadwórna 1847

Narol 1854

Narol 1854

Nienadowa 1852 [1st Rev.]

Nienadowa 1852 [1st Rev.]

Nienadowa 1852 [2nd Rev.]

Nienadowa 1852 [2nd Rev.]

Nisko I. Theil 1853

Nisko I. Theil 1853

Nowy Sącz 1878

Nowy Sącz 1878

Nowy Sącz 1899

Nowy Sącz 1899

Nowy Targ 1896

Nowy Targ 1896

Nowy Targ 1927

Nowy Targ 1927

Nowy Wiśnicz 1849

Nowy Wiśnicz 1849

Obertyn 1825

Obertyn 1825

Obertyn Market undated

Obertyn Market undated

Obertyn 1877

Obertyn 1877

Pilzno 1849

Pilzno 1849

Pniów 1847

Pniów 1847

Podgórze 1847

Podgórze 1847

Podhajce 1846

Podhajce 1846

Podniestrzany 1846

Podniestrzany 1846

Połupanówka 1862

Połupanówka 1862

Pomorzany 1845

Pomorzany 1845

Pruchnik 1852

Pruchnik 1852

Przemyśl 1852

Przemyśl 1852

Przemyśl 1942

Przemyśl 1942

Przeworsk 1849

Przeworsk 1849

Radomyśl nad Sanem 1853

Radomyśl nad Sanem 1853

Radomyśl Wielki 1849

Radomyśl Wielki 1849

Radymno 1849

Radymno 1849

Rohatyn 1846

Rohatyn 1846

Romanowe Sioło 1862

Romanowe Sioło 1862

Ropczyce 1852

Ropczyce 1852

Rozdół 1850

Rozdół 1850

Rożniatów 1851

Rożniatów 1851

Rudawka (Bircza) 1852

Rudawka (Bircza) 1852

Rudawka (Stary Sambor) 1853

Rudawka (Stary Sambor) 1853

Rudnik 1853

Rudnik 1853

Rzepiennik Strzyżewski 1850

Rzepiennik Strzyżewski 1850

Rzeszów 1849

Rzeszów 1849

Rzeszów 1888

Rzeszów 1888

Rzeszów 1909

Rzeszów 1909

Sambor 1853

Sambor 1853

Sanok 1852

Sanok 1852

Sędziszów Małopolski 1849

Sędziszów Małopolski 1849

Siedleczka 1851

Siedleczka 1851

Siennów 1851

Siennów 1851

Siercza and Klasno 1847

Siercza and Klasno 1847

Skała 1859

Skała 1859

Skała 1859

Skała 1859

Skała 1862

Skała 1862

Śliwnica (Sanok) 1852

Śliwnica (Sanok) 1852

Śliwnica (Sambor) 1853

Śliwnica (Sambor) 1853

Sokal 1854

Sokal 1854

Sokół 1850

Sokół 1850

Sokołów Małopolski 1853

Sokołów Małopolski 1853

Sołotwina 1848

Sołotwina 1848

Stanisławów 1848

Stanisławów 1848

Stare Miasto 1890

Stare Miasto 1890

Stary Sącz 1847

Stary Sącz 1847

Stary Sambor 1853

Stary Sambor 1853

Stryj 1851

Stryj 1851

Strzyłki 1853

Strzyłki 1853

Strzyżów 1851

Strzyżów 1851

Świrz 1845

Świrz 1845

Szechynie 1852

Szechynie 1852

Tarnobrzeg 1853

Tarnobrzeg 1853

Tarnopol Center-North 1829

Tarnopol Center-North 1829

Tarnopol Center-South 1862

Tarnopol Center-South 1862

Tarnopol Market ca. 1862

Tarnopol Market ca. 1862

Tarnopol undated

Tarnopol undated

Tarnów Center-South 1927

Tarnów Center-South 1927

Tłuste ca. 1826

Tłuste ca. 1826

Tłuste 1858

Tłuste 1858

Tłuste 1899

Tłuste 1899

Tłuste Market undated

Tłuste Market undated

Trembowla 1828

Trembowla 1828

Trembowla 1861

Trembowla 1861

Trzcieniec 1852

Trzcieniec 1852

Trzebuska 1853

Trzebuska 1853

Uhnów 1854/1878

Uhnów 1854/1878

Ulanów 1853

Ulanów 1853

Uścieczko 1860

Uścieczko 1860

Ustrzyki Dolne 1852

Ustrzyki Dolne 1852

Wieliczka 1847

Wieliczka 1847

Załośce 1850

Załośce 1850

Zbaraż 1863

Zbaraż 1863

Zborów 1850

Zborów 1850

Żmigród 1851

Żmigród 1851

Żółkiew I. Theil 1854

Żółkiew I. Theil 1854

Żółkiew I. Theil 1928

Żółkiew I. Theil 1928

Żółkiew II. Theil 1854

Żółkiew II. Theil 1854

Żołynia 1849

Żołynia 1849

Żurawno 1848

Żurawno 1848

Żurów I. Theil 1848

Żurów I. Theil 1848

Żurów II. Theil 1876

Żurów II. Theil 1876

Żydowskie 1851/1879

Żydowskie 1851/1879

Żywiec (Saybusch) 1844

Żywiec (Saybusch) 1844

Gesher Galicia is a non-profit organization carrying out Jewish genealogical and historical research on Galicia, formerly a province of Austria-Hungary and today divided between southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. The research work includes the indexing of archival vital records and census books, Holocaust-period records, Josephine and Franciscan cadastral surveys, lists of Jewish taxpayers, and records of Galician medical students and doctors - all added to our searchable online database. In addition, we reproduce regional and cadastral maps for our online Map Room. We conduct educational research and publish a quarterly research journal, the Galitzianer.

You can search our free All Galicia Database, Map Room, and archival inventories, and read about member benefits starting at $50 per year. You can also join online.

Our general contact address: info@geshergalicia.org