A complete, full-color cadastral map of the small town of Tarnobrzeg, surveyed in 1853 and lithographed in 1855. At the time of this survey, the town was separate from the important village it now includes, called Dzików (Dzhikev, דזשיקעוו, Dzhikov, דזיקוב). Built on the Wisła River at the northern border of Galicia, the dense town center features a large market square, a Dominican monastery and church, and a Jewish cemetery. Land and building parcels are all clearly numbered. To the southeast, the map shows a section taken from the adjacent town of Miechocin in 1863; in time, the two towns would completely merge under the name Tarnobrzeg. Images for this map were provided to Gesher Galicia by the Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie.