A complete full-color lithographed cadastral map of town of Przeworsk (Perevorsk, Pshevorsk, פּרשעוואָרסק), surveyed in 1849 and lithographed in 1852. This is a final-state cadastral map including land and building parcel numbers but no house numbers. The cadastral area is very small, only three sections on two map sheets. The town features a rectangular market area, careful use of a large stream and ponds, and three churches (the Christian cemetery was in an adjacent village). Jewish community property shown on the map did not survive WWII – the large synagogue was burned, and the Jewish cemetery at the north edge of the map was leveled; today the site is a bus station. Images for this map were provided to Gesher Galicia by the Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu.