A cadastral feldskizzen map of the central urban area of Nadwórna (Надвірна, Nadvirna, Nadworna, Nadvorna), with part of the adjacent farmlands, from 1847; these images are from a black-and-white archive photocopy. This center section is a composite of 25 sheets of a 59-sheet set for the entire town; the surveyor sketched the 14-sheet center separately at high scale to capture details of the density of buildings and roads. A Jewish section is evident by a synagogue, other religious buildings, and a hospital just north of the irregular market square. A creek meanders through the town center and adjacent to a central church. Most buildings and land parcels are numbered; land owner names are written on some parcels. This historic paper map is preserved by the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (TsDIAL).