A complete, selectively-colored cadastral map of the stadt (city) of Dynów (Dinov, דינאוו), with two dependent villages, surveyed 1852 and lithographed 1854. Land parcels and houses are all clearly numbered. The city was never large (a few thousand inhabitants) but was significantly Jewish (40~70% of the population) in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The map focuses on a well-built market square, and the roads already show the structure of the modern town, with a large church of St. Laurence, the 18th-century Great Synagogue, and large Jewish and Catholic cemeteries. Not far from the city center, the San River flows in a path noticeably different from its current course. Images for this map were provided to Gesher Galicia by the Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie.