Partial feldskizze (field sketch) of the town of Bukaczowce (Букачівці, Bukachivtsi, Bukachevtsy, Bukashevitz), from 1853. At near-correct scale and more complete than the 1848 feldskizzen, in this preparatory sketch the urban concentration wrapps around the marshy reservoir and its outlet creeks. Businesses and residences are numbered; farmlands are numbered and named. The map shows a large central Jewish market square, a synagogue, several churches or chapels, Christian and Jewish cemeteries, an index to prominent landowners, and what may be the purchase of land for the future Lemberg-Czernowitz line of the Galicia Railway. The map is incomplete; all available map sheets with numbered buildings are shown. This historic paper map is preserved by the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (TsDIAL).