A complete full-color lithographed cadastral map of the village of Baligród (Балигород, Balyhorod) in the Bieszczady mountains region of southern Poland, surveyed in 1852 and lithographed in 1854. This is a final-state cadastral map including land and building parcel numbers but no house numbers. Although small, in the Galician era Baligród was more than half Jewish (60% of the village in 1900). The residential center shows a loose square with mostly masonry buildings, a small church, an unmarked synagogue, and the nearby passage of the Hoczewka river. Just northwest of the square, the small Jewish cemetery is depicted with tilted headstones and overgrowth. Images for this map were provided to Gesher Galicia by the Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu.